Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Lucid dreamers -- how would you respond to this question about dream figures sent to my book's website  at www.LucidAdvice.com by Tobias?
Hi Robert, Happy new year and looking forward to your new book. My question is about dream figures. I have noticed that every time when I am not lucid and have a conversation with a figure the dialogue is like in physical life and their eyes look alive and full of awareness. 
But if I gain lucidity during the same conversation, they stop talking and only answer back with nothing or strange words. Also their eyes become blank and robotic. This happens every time, it's like when I gain awareness they loose theirs! Is this something you have reflected upon? 
Like last night I had a good dialogue with a lady but as soon as I became lucid she turned zombie like and stopped answering my questions. Best regards/ Tobias

Robert Waggoner 12/30/2014 12:59 PM
Hi Tobias, 
Yes, my new book, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple (with co-author Caroline McCready) has just come out in print! Hope you enjoy it. To your interesting question... basically, you are saying that dream figures seem to lose awareness, when you gain awareness. Hmmm..... I wonder about that.
Does the lucid dreamer's sudden awareness just make them seem dim by comparison? Or were they always dim, and your lucidity 'confirms' that (but while non-lucid, they seemed equal to you?). 
In my first book, I suggest some guidelines for interacting with dream figures and the proper way to ask questions.... but I assume you know not to insult them by saying, 'Do you know this is a dream?' -- since they usually respond by looking very disappointed. 
Anyway, I have sometimes become lucid by interacting with very smart dream figures, who remained smart in the lucid dream. Because of those instances, I disagree with a simple, 'I become lucid, DFs become less intelligent'. The actual situation seems much more complex!
As all of us lucid dreamers discover, dream figures vary in awareness, responsiveness, behavior and apparent intelligence!  So it seems hard to make general claims about dream figures -- since they vary as much as lucid dreamers.  :-)
Lucid wishes and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Hi Lucid Dreamers,

I noticed today and posted this tidbit to Facebook:

Hit a milestone - 101 Reviews on Amazon for my first book.... (and 80+ people gave it Five Stars) Amazing! 

Read the Amazon Reviews here 
Incredibly, I only know one person who wrote a review -- a professor from a college out in California, who began to use my book in a special course on consciousness and altered states.  All of the other reviews come from people who felt interested in writing about their feelings or experience while reading it.  For myself, I believe in 'organic' reviews -- people coming forward who want to express themselves.

Actually, the bigger milestone is the fact that this book is in its eighth or ninth printing!  People are ordering more copies now than when it first came out, and telling their lucid dreaming friends to check it out.

So my sincere thanks to the readers, the reviewers and lucid dreamers, who have taken the time to read about the depth, beauty and power of lucid dreaming,


Friday, November 21, 2014



Hi Lucid Dreamers,

Occasionally lucid dreamers send me questions at my book's website www.LucidAdvice.com

Here's a recent one with my response.  How would you have responded?

Good day. I've been practicing lucid dreaming since 2010 and among all the experiences I've had, one stood out. From time to time I would simply realize I'm dreaming. Other times I undergo what some people call the vibrational stage. This is when a ringing or bubbling sound in my ear becomes louder and louder accompanied by my body feeling a tingling sensation all over.

The experience that stood out was the feeling of being stretched from the head and feet or being dragged around either from the head or from the feet. I've had semi-conscious dreams when I would be dragged around the floor while sitting or be dragged off the bed. I've concluded that the dreams of being dragged around in the dream and the stretching/dragging sensation during the vibrational stage are related.

One time I finally called out this dragging force out. It appeared as a phallic shadow. When I asked what it was it began vocalizing which shook the room we were in.

It was weird...

- Slide

My response:

Hi Slide,

Great to hear about your practice of lucid dreams. But I have a bit of news to share: these vibrational stage events sound like a very common feature of OBEs, as does your experience of being stretched, dragged, etc.

In my book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, I devote half a chapter to the phenomenological differences between a 'lucid dream' and the OBE.  Stephen LaBerge did some early research and found that about half of lucid dreamers surveyed, also had experience with OBEs (so your experience seems fairly common for lucid dreamers -- but it is important to see the difference between these two unique states).

These two states of lucid dreaming and OBEs have similarities -- just as a house cat and a mountain lion have honest similarities -- but they are distinct enough to merit separate classification. So if you have a chance, check my book out of a library, and read about the distinctions between these two states. Lucid wishes!

- Robert

Friday, November 7, 2014

New Lucid Dreaming On-line Events !!



Hi Everyone,

Just want to keep you aware of new on-line lucid dreaming events.

First, I am hosting a Lucid Dreaming Workshop on-line for 30 days, beginning Saturday, November 8th, 2014 (and ending Dec. 7th, 2014).

You can find all of the details and registration info at this address:
www.GlideWing.com  -- just click on my image for the Lucid Dreaming and Living Lucidly workshop,

Next, tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 8th, I will be on a free webinar event with a few other talented lucid dreamers.  Check out the details below:

A free on-line event with Erin Langley, Jenniffer ClarOscura, Nick Barrett and me, discussing the depth of lucid dreaming....


Sunday, October 12, 2014



Lucid dreamers,
What would you tell this young guy who wrote to my book's website at www.LucidAdvice.com?

Lucas B      10/12/2014

Hi Robert, 

I've read your book on lucid dreaming and it has greatly influenced me. Personally, I've only had around ten lucid dreams, but I am focusing in and quickly getting better. I am a junior in high school and I would like to eventually have a profession in lucid dreaming, but very specifically lucid dreaming, not psychology. Do you have an idea of what I should do in college to make that happen? Also, is there anything I can do to get involved now?

Robert Waggoner      10/12/2014

Hi Lucas, Glad you enjoyed the book, and have had lucid dreams! When it comes to studying lucid dreaming, I encourage people to look at it broadly (since there are no undergraduate college degrees in lucid dreaming).

Some students approach it by studying the brain and neurology -- some by studying the biochemistry of sleep and dreaming -- some by looking at 'perception' in waking/dreaming/lucid dreaming. These are all fields, which a person can study and it will aid their lucid dreaming (they will see lucid dreaming in new ways and contribute to the knowledge of it). Also, some prefer to study lucid dreaming through the disciplines of history and religion, or using lucid dreaming therapeutically to help people with PTSD and phobias.

By focusing on a field of your interest in college -- but which connects in some way to lucid dreaming -- you gain some depth of knowledge in that field, plus get to explore lucid dreaming more deeply with the insights from that field. It then becomes a Win-Win :-)


I love to see the interest in lucid dreaming from high school, college and graduate students -- it shows me that this field of lucid dreaming will have a huge impact on the future.

Friday, September 26, 2014



Dear dreamers,

Every now and then I like to share an image that I have created.

Below is one of my favorites, since it expresses an insight that lucid dreamers immediately understand.  I took this photo at a Buddhist temple in Japan.

What do you think?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



I feel very pleased to announce the first Finnish book on lucid dreaming, authored by myself and Anna Riihimaki.  Anna added a number of chapters and did much to make it a truly Finnish book.

The final night (after all the production work, proofreading, etc.), I dreamt that Anna and I sat together on a park bench at night, feeling very content.  Suddenly from the ground in front of us, a giant Buddha made of light emerged from the ground and kept rising and rising -- until it was twenty meters tall.  In the dream, we quietly watched the giant Buddha of light grow.

Onko tämä unta?

In the morning, I wrote Anna and told her about the dream.

I believe this book will inspire a lot of Finns to lucid dream.


You can read more (in Finnish) about the book at this book site.

Monday, September 15, 2014



Dreamers and Lucid Dreamers,

If you have an interest in exploring psi or psychic dreams in a thoughtful, educated and intelligent forum, then check out the upcoming PsiBer Conference from Sunday September 28 to October 12, 2014 (hosted by the International Association for the Study of Dreams).

All the details can be found at http://www.asdreams.org/psi2014/

I know that I will be presenting there, along with many others.  Check it out!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014



Like Felix the Cat, my most common response to becoming lucid is laughter!

I laugh at having been fooled by the dream.  I laugh at seeing the game.  I laugh for the joy of it.

But as all lucid dreamers discover, you have to learn that you have a 'bag of tricks' -- and how to use them.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



Dreams Gave Me the First Hint of My Inner Author

For this blog tour I was asked to answer four questions about dreaming and writing.  Check out the questions and my responses below:

What Am I Working On Now? 

Recently co-author, Caroline McCready and I completed a manuscript for a new book on lucid dreaming, which has been accepted for publication (Conari Press) and release at the end of 2014.  See here for details or to pre-order a copy. pre-order a book.  As you can see, this book, Lucid Dreaming: Plain and Simple, focuses on helping beginning and intermediate lucid dreamers understand how to lucid dream and manipulate within the vastness of dreaming.  We’re very excited about it!

Also, I worked with a Finnish co-author, Anna Riihimaki, to complete the first lucid dreaming book in Finnish, which will be published in the fall of 2014 by the Finnish publisher, Gummerus.  Anna did an excellent job in making this book accessible to all Finns.

Finally I am planning a third book for advanced lucid dreamers to explore some of the deeper aspects of lucid dreaming, which can literally transform your view of reality.

As always, I continue to co-edit the free, on-line magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience, with co-editor Lucy Gillis, and do various workshops in person and on-line with GlideWing.

How Does My Writing Process Work?

If you can imagine this, first I try to clarify my intent about the book.  Why am I writing this?  Why bother?

Answering that question can remove all sorts of obstacles and make writing so much easier, fun and clear.

When I worked on my first book, I literally spent months looking at a blank sheet of paper before I had a dream in which a Voice suggested, “Just start writing.”  As I began to write, I realized that I needed to understand my intent.  I wrestled with this in my mind, and finally it came to me: this first book, for me at least, was my song of love to the world.

Once I understood that my intent was to express my love for this world through helping others see the depth and potential in lucid dreams, then things went very smoothly.  What aligned with that intent was included; what did not, fell to the side.

A few years ago I was in London giving talks and a workshop on lucid dreaming.  One evening while out with others, a young guy from Italy told me, “What I like about your book is that it has a lot of love.”  He told me that reading it, he could feel the love I have for lucid dreaming and the reader. 

How Does My Work Differ From Others In The Genre?

Each year new writers appear in the field of lucid dreaming, and I sincerely wish them the best, since there are 7.2 billion people to educate about lucid dreaming.  It’s a very big pie! 

My work differs often in the depth of perspective.  Since I taught myself how to lucid dream in 1975 (before lucid dreaming was scientifically validated), I learned the ‘lessons of lucidity’ very deeply and through personal experiments.  I felt blown away when I realized other pioneering lucid dreamers had learnt similar lessons, since it suggested lucid dreaming and the psyche had common features.  

Yet even then, the depth of lucid dreaming seems so profound that it takes time to comprehend it, and put it into words.  I recall hearing a lovely lucid dream pioneer, Fariba Bogzaran, say that it took her 25 years to grasp lucid dreaming.  Twenty-five years!  That seems the kind of perspective that most of us need to write thoughtfully about lucid dreaming.

Thankfully I had 30 years of lucid dreaming experience before I started writing J.  The value showed in the first Amazon reviews of my book in which people with many hundreds of lucid dreams and decades of lucid dream experience wrote that my book was the first one to give ‘words’ to the depth of lucid dreaming.  To hear experienced lucid dreamers tell me that I had given words to what they too had discovered made me feel that this ‘song of love’ would touch millions.

Why Do I Write What I Do?

It’s what I know.  It’s what I care about.

On one level it seems completely about lucid dreaming, but on other levels, it covers the beauty of experience, the beauty of awareness, and on the deepest levels, it goes to the realm of the inter-connected Oneness. 

I write about this, since it contains extraordinary transformational potential.  Not only for me or even for you, but for the world – for science, for culture, for society, for everything.  To ‘wake up’ within the dream has profound implications that touch all aspects of life and living.


My deep thanks to author and blogger, Tzivia Gover at www.TziviaGover.com  and http://www.thirdhousemoon.com who I believe floated this idea of the Blog Tour.  She has a wonderful blog, so please check it out.

I also need to thank author and blogger, Justina Lasley at www.DreamSynergy.org for the offer to be the next stop following her Blog Tour report.  Justina and Tzivia have both been big supporters and done wonderful work in the field of dreaming.  Learn more about Justina’s DreamSynergy™ process, certification program and books at the website above and also on twitter and facebook, accounts.

I hope to send this Tour to Sheila Asato next.  Sheila is a wonderful artist, dreamer, blogger, who has a deep and profound respect for the Japanese perspective after living there for many years.   Sheila has developed an award winning, Healing Collage process for dreamwork and assists various medical providers in the Twin Cities with using dreams to promote healing.
You can get a preview of Sheila Asato and her work at www.monkeybridgearts.wordpress.com/about/
Thanks for taking the time to read about me and my thoughts on lucid dreaming and the writing process.  You can check out my first book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, at www.lucidadvice.com and sign up for our free magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience at www.LucidDreamMagazine.com

Also, you can follow me on Twitter at #dreambob  or https://twitter.com/dreambob